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Photo: indiatoday

Ahead of his visit to New Delhi for the G20 Summit, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak informed his ministers that he would only reach a trade agreement with India when it benefited the whole of Britain.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is scheduled to visit New Delhi to participate in the G20 Summit. (Ruters Photo)

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is scheduled to visit New Delhi to participate in the G20 Summit. (Ruters Photo)


London,UPDATED: Sep 5, 2023 18:48 IST

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak told his ministers on Tuesday he would only reach a trade agreement with India when it benefited the whole of Britain, addressing his top team before travelling to the G20 summit in India later this week.

“He said negotiations around a free trade deal were progressing and that he would only agree an approach which worked for the whole UK,” his spokesperson told reporters.

Edited By:

Sudeep Lavania

Published On:

Sep 5, 2023

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